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Stop Funding Climate Chaos

Albany demonstration brought faith leaders to the forefront - with 100 climate activists - to draw urgent attention to the moral imperative to stop funding new fossil fuel projects.

"Funding fossil fuels in the face of the evidence of the harm it has caused is immoral.  It is wrong to remain silent on the issue.” - Jeff Courter, Presbytery of New York City

October 14, 2022

Walk Across the Mahicantuck

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Walk Across the Mahicantuck
for Climate Justice

October 17, 2021

The afternoon of Sunday, October 17, 2021, 120 people of diverse faiths, including those who are spiritual but not religious, assembled along the Mahicantuck (Hudson River) to raise their collective voice for climate justice as they walked across the Rip Van Winkle Bridge.


"We are walking across the Mahicantuck in awareness of our moral obligation to act now to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to preserve life by protecting our natural world and its resources."

- Marjorie ChoGaku McCoy (Greene County)


"We want those at COP26 to understand that destroying our planet, burdening those least responsible with loss of homeland and loss of life, and squelching the hopes, dreams and prospects of future generations go against our most deeply held moral and spiritual precepts."

- John Seakwood (Berkshire County)

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Website maintained by The Society of Oxherders

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