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Red Rebel Brigade


Red Rebel Brigades attend non-violent direct actions and events to support fellow activists to draw attention to the climate emergency. Costumes are red to symbolize the common blood we share with all species. Movements are slow to divert, direct and draw people into the actions... a silent plea with the public to acknowledge climate collapse, to mourn environmental losses, and to call on governments and businesses to act to mitigate climate catastrophe.


...a performance artivist troupe dedicated to creating awareness to the global environmental crisis and supporting groups and organizations engaged in actions to save humanity and all species from mass extinction.

August 2019 - Extinction Rebellion's 'Ocean Red Rebel Brigade’ - accompanied by 'The Penitents' - processed around the beach and then entered the ocean.

- Cornwall, England


Performance experience is desirable, but not required... all are welcome! Red Rebel Brigade does not participate in arrestable actions. Red Rebel Brigade takes the principles of non-violence and active mutual support very seriously and agree to these principles.

May 2019 - leading the funeral of species procession in London - taking it to the streets in such a positive way

if interested in participating in the red rebel brigade

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100 Kinderhook Street, Chatham, New York 12037

Website maintained by The Society of Oxherders

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